Haozheng(Hadrian) Wan - 万浩正

PH.D. student
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(CANLab)
The University of Hong Kong

🎈About me:

Haozheng Wan is now a sencond year Ph.D. student at Cognitive and Adaptive Neuromorphic computing Lab (CANLab), The University of Hongkong(HKU), advised by Prof. Can Li (Prime) and Prof. Ngai Wong. Before that, He obtained his B.Eng in Microelectronics in 2023 from Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT), Harbin, China, where he ranked 1st in the Department of Microelectronics.

His research interests include in-memory computing based on ReRAM, security and privacy, hw-sw co-design, reliable computing system etc.


News Ticker

[2023.08.24] I joined The University of Hong Kong as a PHD student.

[2023.06.10] I obtain my B.Eng. degree in Microelectronics from HIT!🎉🎉🎉

[2023.05.13] I build my own homepage!


You can reach me in the following ways: